PREVENT HATE Update: First Lady of Zambia in Los Angeles

From Jan. 21-28, the First Lady of the Republic of Zambia, together with Zambia’s Minister of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources, were in Los Angeles for a week of strategic outreach and programming. PREVENT HATE coordinated their professional schedule, with the aim of assisting them connect with greater Los Angeles to foster socioeconomic development and women’s empowerment in their country. Their trip was a big success. We laid down the foundation for L.A. to engage Zambia constructively and productively; and will continue to follow up.

They met with leaders and executives from the Jenesse Center, which is a state-of-the-art shelter for victims of domestic violence;

First Lady (Rt.) with Karen Earl (L), Executive Director of the Jenesse Center

UCLA Medical Center;

First Lady with UCLA medical staff and administration (From L to R: Dr. Gautam Chaudhuri, Chair of OB/GYN; First Lady Banda; Dr. David Feinberg, UCLA Vice Chancellor and CEO of Hospital Systems; Dr. Amy Stenson, Lead Faculty of Global Health program)

UCLA Anderson School of Management;

Catherine Namugala, Minister of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources for Zambia, speaking to business leaders in Los Angeles at UCLA business school

the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust;

First Lady at Los Angeles Holocaust Museum

Los Angeles City Hall;

Catherine Namugala, Minister of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources (L.), and First Lady Banda (C.) meeting with Miriam Long (Rt.), Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles for Education, Youth, and Families

First Lady ringing Los Angeles City Hall bell with Los Angeles City Councilmember, Tom LaBonge

and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council as part of their overall agenda.

As you probably remember, PREVENT HATE loves to party with first ladies. For the First Lady of Zambia, we partnered with FOX ENTERTAINMENT to host a social gathering on their studio lot. The First Lady first was interviewed in the Shirley Temple Room by Susan Hirasuna, and then met over one hundred PREVENT HATE guests in the executive commissary.

Invitation to social gathering with First Lady at FOX

First Lady (in red) and Minister of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources (in blue/green) at FOX studios party

PREVENT HATE continues to work with developing communities and emerging economies to provide them with best practices in socioeconomic development across ethnic and cultural lines.