Stand Up To Bullying!

Know Your Legal and Civil Rights

PREVENT HATE is actively mobilizing against bullying through student-oriented solutions, creating programs and workshops for students and parents, offering practical solutions for our kids to be safe.

PREVENT HATE is also working with schools on creating student body patrols on campus to intervene against bullies, empowering their general student bodies to take a stand against bullying, and providing the kids with information about their legal and civil rights.

If you, or your child, is being victimized by a bully, it is important to determine whether any crimes are being committed. Talk to your local school and police department immediately with any concerns you have.
Every student has the RIGHT to attend school without worrying about violence, harassment, or intimidation. STOP BULLYING! Prevent hate.


BULLYING: When a person intentionally inflicts harm or discomfort upon another person in order to gain power over them and force them into submission with mental or physical threats, name-calling and/or exclusion from social interaction, using methods such as gossip, defamation or the silent treatment, causing the victim to experience fear, anxiety, isolation and hopelessness.


CYBER-BULLYING: When someone is repeatedly tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, defamed, ridiculed or otherwise targeted by someone with the intent to extract power or to elevate themselves at the expense of someone else, using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology.

Legal and Civil Rights

ASSAULT: Threatening someone with harm, including texting, and being able to carry it out.

BATTERY: Making physical contact in order to harm, harass, or intimidate someone.

EXTORTION: Demanding money, goods or services in order not to bully someone.

CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION: Bullying someone until they stop going to school, or have to change schools.

HATE CRIME: Bullying someone just because they are gay, or have a disability, or are a different race, ethnicity, or religion than you are.

Please join our team and help raise awareness.

Thank you!

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